Saturday, July 11, 2009

First post - wooooooo

So I am sitting here in bed in Delhi and despite being here for a little over a week I still can’t seem to get this whole sleeping normal hours thing down. So I figured now was as good a time as any to start that blog I told everyone back home I was going to write. And yes, I realize that blogging is like so 5 years ago, but don’t worry in a few years I’ll start a Twitter and none of you can follow that either. I should also mention that as many of you know I am extremely technologically unsaavy so I of course am actually writing this in Microsoft Word and will figure out how to actually post it online at some later date. But hey, it’s a start.

So I’m not really sure what this blog is going to be or what it will contain but I can give you a few things not to expect. First, this will not be any sort of me saving the world story a la Mountains Beyond Mountains or Three Cups of Tea. Lets be honest people – you know me and I’m not that good…yet. It will also not be full of deep and profound statements of the life altering nature. I do intend to have such thoughts and feelings here and am hoping for a lot of personal growth and changes in my perspectives but somehow the words “personal” and “world wide web” are not synonymous to me. Go figure.

I guess what I would expect is a lot of random observations, stories, and some good examples of me getting confused, lost, and/or making a general ass out of myself and hopefully some cool explorations of a new country and culture. So hopefully every so often you’ll be sitting at your desk and have reached the end of facebook and read every random news article you care to read for the day and think to yourself I wonder what Sooz has gotten herself into over there. Oh, and I will take some pictures at some point and put them on here, I swear.

A brief bit on what I am doing in India. I’m not totally sure. I am working on a project with six economists from the U.S. as well as a number of Indian organizations that each come with an acronym that is extremely difficult to remember. We will be surveying and mapping health care facilities and households throughout India, trying to understand where people go to receive care and what type of care they get. Eventually we will come up with potential ways to improve this care (hopefully) and then test the effectiveness of these interventions. Or something like that.

Ok well apparently all it took to make me tired enough to sleep was a mere description of the project we are starting so I guess that’s it for today. Until next time…

Oh, and all that stuff about it being hot in Delhi is total BS meant to keep tourists away and its actually 75 degrees out and fabulous. (ok people this was an easy one if the sarcasm in my voice didn’t come through on that the rest of this blog is going to be a challenge for you:)


  1. It's good to hear you are doing well. Post some pictures.

  2. Yay Sooz! Good luck with settling in over there. What are your living conditions like? Mansion, Apartment, Shack, House...?

  3. I love the effort with the blog.

    Good luck with your endeavors and finding that swimming pool. Cheers!

  4. Hey Sooz:

    Just wanted to let you know that your writings are being consumed by various folks in Cambridge and Somerville, i.e., Sylvia, pammy, Pauli and me.

    Sounds like an amazing eye-adventure for us Westerners. Keep the messages coming.

